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Faith & Three Men

I started this venture by asking two men to accompany me. May we three men endure to the end this path together. I hope we will. Each man makes the whole stronger.

I have known Mr. Williams for over thirty years. A retired military officer, he served his country honorably. For several years, he and I worked together while ensuring messages flowed to our frontline warriors. He now transfers—full-time—that zeal to accomplish “good” for our country to accomplishing “good” for the Church. He continually edifies me when I study his writings. Astute, he penetrates the fog of tradition and dogma.

Michael Stick is a man who takes on a prominent leadership role while leading his flock of churchgoers. What a responsibility—teacher, mentor, counselor. Certainly, we can have well-intentioned, but not always well-serving leaders. Michael is a proven leader serving well those in need. B2B is fortunate to share Michael's thoughts as he leads his readers regarding a healthy mind and spirit.

“I admire the boldness with which these persons undertake to speak of God” (Pascal Pensees, IV, 242).

Notwithstanding, that boldness cannot—it will not—be in the vein of progressive Christianity. B2B holds that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of doctrine and practice—Sola Scriptura. And that Christ is the only mediator between God and man—Solus Christus.

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