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Oklahoma: Ranked Best in the Wrong Areas

Oklahoma is a great place to visit and/or live. I must believe this since I retired to this state after living most of my life in Nebraska. However, there are a few lists where Oklahoma is ranked among the best that might surprise you. They did me.

Oklahoma is among the top states experiencing domestic violence, poverty, and child abuse. Oklahoma ranks among the best states that ensure vehicle operation incompetence. Oklahoma City and Tulsa are among the best in bringing crime to residents. Oklahoma schools are among the best in the nation in NOT delivering a good education for our children. Oklahoma ranks among the best in perpetuating child and adult obesity. Oklahoma outshines most states in the number of meth labs producing drugs that allow residents to escape reality. Oklahoma is among the best in producing pregnant teens. Oklahoma is a leader when it comes to ignoring mental health problems. Tulsa and Oklahoma City rank among the best cities ensuring shoddy roads remain the status quo.

Interestingly, and regarding adults who consider themselves highly religious, Oklahoma is ranked at the top.


I suppose there are different ways of considering this religiosity rating in the context of the overall “Best in the Nation” framework. When you juxtapose this last rating—highly religious—with the other “Oklahoma is among the best in…” ratings, any causality or association suggestions would, at best, be speculation, and worse, agenda driven.

Now, certainly, being a Christian does not equate to being a good vehicle driver; however, did you know Oklahoma drivers are considered among the rudest in the nation. Personally, I appreciate this rating, as each time I returned from Oklahoma to Nebraska, I remarked to my wife that Oklahoma drivers, when operating a motor vehicle, seem to be filled with a type of anger that precludes common courtesy.

When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, at least for me, I don’t care about a “list” that ranks states according to varied data points. What I care about is my personal witness as a Christian. Am I obedient to my Lord according to Deuteronomy 11:26-28; I Samuel 15:22; John 14:2; Acts 5:29 and I John 2:3-6? Do I seek God to teach me His will (Psalm 143:10)? For me, it is a personal accountability issue. To often, in today’s society, diverse groups of people hold not themselves accountable. In its’ vilest form, this lack of accountability can be linked to foolishness that fears not God.

I leave it to our elected officials to improve our great state. Many of these officials are God-fearing leaders fighting newspapers and the ubiquitous editorialist masquerading as a journalist, both entities intent on removing faith as a contextual determinant for personal accountability. For me, my faith in a living God demands personal accountability, even when I am driving a motor vehicle.

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