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The Enlightened Ones

Under the guise of enlightenment, some in the media, and some religious-labeled organizations pervert Biblical doctrine. While doing so, they celebrate their evolving, omnipotent enlightenment while concurrently creating a personal Mount Olympus from which to condemn conservative Christianity, or instruct the same in Biblical principals. Atop their Mount Olympus, these enlightened ones demand of others a form of worship—an idolatrous worship.

In the past, it was enough to label conservative Christians as intolerant, but that shtick became tiresome if not simply monotonous—and decreasingly ineffective. Now, those attacking Christians use the Bible to shame Christians unwilling to raise their hands in worship of Mount Olympus. Often, the enlightened ones tag Biblical principal with mainstream thinking, as if mainstream thinking were an authoritative contextual modifier of Biblical exegesis.

E.g., Leviticus 19:33 is used in support of illegal immigration. The scholarly study of Leviticus 19:33 reveals that this verse is contraire to those supporting illegal immigration. This past April, a U.S. Congresswoman, on Earth Day, misquoted the Bible in support of emboldening others to consider Earth as sentient, and thus, worthy of worship. Contrarily, Christians believe that there is but one worthy of worship—God. The media often states that Jesus would want government provided healthcare. Yet, nothing in Jesus’ teachings indicates that He would be supportive of a growing governmental power to include the power to enforce healthcare.

This article does not discredit the need to address the complex issue of illegal immigration, or the essential necessity to combat environmental pollution, or the need for adequate and affordable healthcare. The intention of this article is to spur Christians to study the book—the Bible—that defines their faith and through study, appreciate and recognize when deception occurs at Mount Olympus. Without such study, retreat is the only option when discussing objective standards of morality and personal responsibility that combats the rulings of the enlightened ones.

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